Phone: 734.454.0866 Fax: 734.454.1744

Creating a neuro-affirming environment where each child is understood and supported
in order to meet their individual needs.
Phone: 734.454.0866 Fax: 734.454.1744
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Creating a neuro-affirming environment where each child is understood and supported
in order to meet their individual needs.
Summertime is the perfect opportunity to continue building important skills. Check out our summer programs to find groups or summer-only therapy services to help your child make summer count!
How do I know if my child needs Physical Therapy?
Building Bridges provides a comprehensive range of therapies, assessments, and specialty programs to help children and families impacted by:
Summer 2025 is going to be better than ever!
Click here to visit our Summer Counts! page and complete the Summer Counts! Interest Form